Wednesday, December 1


The evil present in Animal Documentaries:

Having just woken up from a 20min nap, I turned the TV on to keep me
some strange form of company.

I turned on the Discovery Channel and they were playing cute little
thing about pandas... showing cute yawning little things and other
"awwwwwwwww" inducing things.

Then it came.

Roaches. Roaches everywhere.
"The Male roach looks for females by stroaking other roaches'
antennas. When he finds one he lifts his wings and secretes a sweet
sticky substance. The female is drawn to the substance and eats it.
After eating it she becomes attatched to him and forced to carry him
around until they mate.
Female roaches only mate once, but carry the sperm around with them
and produce up to seven egg pods during their lives. The roaches are
apt to mate from the age of two months. If you have 10 roaches in your
house now, you can have over 1000 in six months time.
In each pod the female lays anywhere between 15 and 70 eggs, 20% of
these are then eaten by the adult roaches."

How can you not love these adorable vermin?

"only 1% of roach species are actually considered a pest"

I was trapped by cute panda stories!!!! PANDAS!!!!
And then forced to listen to icky roaches. Well, I guess you've been
trapped too now. Sorry!

Sunday, November 28

Artsy Fartsy.

Was on Friday. Was pretty amazingly cool believe it or not. Poster made by me. This is quick picture. Something like 2nd draft. Final was better, but not much.
Actually night = total disaster in terms of relationships with males, and fantastic sucsess with female relationships - as long as you don't count any of the blonde ones.

Made Tete and Trotsky compositions;

Poor girl is obcessed, quite frankly I love the pics. Yes, I made them too. That's why I'm posting them.

Is empty.
This is of course my room.
Cannot remember why photo was taken or why was so yellowy.
Love my building collage so shut it.

View from window. Purdy purdy, no? Ergh. *gags*

Feel like lonely candle in wind:

Bloody thing burnt too quicky. Felt nice on wrists thought. Bloody hell.

Remember sketches of Nick's tattoo thing? I photographed them, edited them, made them a paintbrush on photoshop. Now is this:

Made this bloody ages ago:

Scully liked it. Asked me to make this:

another window shot:

and me:
