Tuesday, February 8

Bow Before My Disgusting Drink Making Talents...

...for I have invented the Shakespeare.

1 Part Passion Fruit Juice
2 Parts Diet Coke
1 Part Vodka

Put in a tall glass, don't stir.

Monday, February 7


Not meant to be on this bloody thing... but at 1am, what's the
difference? Either way, I don't think I've ever said anything
interesting on this piece of cyber crap so one more addition to this
already dead pile won't exactally tip the scale.


My dad's been playing "Great hits from the 80"s for me... not quite.
Late 70s... and nothing interesting either. Just some stuff in
Portuguese, like my godfather's band "Opinião Publica" - those of you
in Portugal, ask your parents if they know about them. My dad also
played me "Xutos & Pontapés" and their first single... those adorable
cute little black vinyl disks you just want to throw out the window to
see if they fly.

Nah, not really.. I love LPs... when proper stuff is done with them. I
feel so much like a good harsh rant on something interesting... but
nothing comes to me except onions and Noam Chomsky. However I lack the
enthusiasm to rant much right now.

Alright, I got it... I'm going to share some portuguese politics with
you... an email I sent to a male friend of mine, Sam, in New Zealand.
It's cool that he takes an interest in our wacko politics. He thinks
we're so third world. Actually, most civilized nations look down on
us. And laugh in shock and disbelief at the fact we have left wing
parties... "So wait, you actually have Communists there?" ... no...
they just call themselves Marxist-Leninists and Trotskites for the
show... in fact, they all say "Heil Hitler" and sing "Deutschland uber
alles" when no one is looking. And the more to the left you go, the
more they worship Peron and Mussolini. Okay; this is going too far.

Want a good laugh? I mean a damn good laugh? At some seriously
retarded politics that might make the US
politicians think that they're failing when it comes to comedy?

Here's the excerpt...


But let's talk of fun fun fun stuff! Election time! Yay!
Okay, so things here are warming up because last November our
president dissolved parliament and now, on the 20th we get elections.

Here's the background;

It's a warm June afternoon and our prime minister is invited to leave
the country after his second year as PM, only to go become President
of the European union... and like any foolish, status seeking, money
hungry fool (you can see I love him) he accepted. Mind you, he was
something along the lines of 12th person to be asked.
So, Mr. Barroso packs his bags and goes off to Belgium, to lead the
glorious(?) EU.

The president ponders hard and long on what to do now... it's quite a
situation, certainly... so should we have elections straight away and
replace him? OR should we ask the party who still had 2 years left,
whether they'd like to elect a new party leader and resume their job?

He goes for the second option. It seemed silly at the time but hey...
who could question his authority?

The party (Social Democratic Party) members elected the slimy Mayor of
Lisbon to be PM and the rest of the country watched as he formed
government... When this was decided in early July... they went off and
did what any recently formed gvmt does: GO ON HOLIDAY and leave any
decision until September. From September to November they managed to
do a series things... all of them bad. They had huge scandals...
ministers who didn't know what they were meant to be ministering...
others contradicting each other on Public television... promises being
made and the opposite being scandously carried out... blatent media
manipulation... I'd tell you what exactally... but to actually pick
one story would do the others no justice, and they're all hillarious
if you happen to laugh at dark satirical humour. I swear, it's so
shockingly --- bad. Just; bad.

Sooo.... after plans were changed, minestry buildings were changed 3
times, from city to city... people were fired... taxes went up, then
up again... then they promised to put them down but oh! they managed
to sneak in another rise. And then another rise, 6% more in all
VAT.... the President declares that he is sick of this and puuf.
Dismisses the parliament.

Great stuff really, because basically what he did was, instead of
leaving the people to wonder whether they'd be any good if they
continued, he let the party prove that they sucked by letting them
drive themselves into the ground.

So now, the elections! Don't worry, I'll make it short.

The Social Democrats, and their coalition party, the Popularist (even
further right wing, bordering Fascist) are now trying to slander the
name of the opposition leader and are attempting to make him pass as

An interview in the summer (our summer, August) for one of the most
read (by business people and whatnot) magazines in Portugal attempted
to slander his name just a little more by asking him questions
regarding how often he went to the hairdresser, did he buy his own
clothes and what did he think of homosexuals?
He took it quite well, and all his answers start with exclamations
such as "Oh come now!", "For goodness' sake!" and "Really, what a
Ah, I forgot to mention that the leader of the coalition party
actually IS gay... although no one talks about it... but it's public
information =P

Basically, all the campaigning on the side of the SDP and the PP (who
are running for the elections separatley, even though they've made it
known that if one wins, they'll form a coalition) is based on large
outdoors with the photos of the opposition and awful, scandalous (yet
again) slogans and questions like "WHO IS THIS MAN?".

It's insane. It really is.


Now if you want to lose all hope in humanity, go read Michael Moore's
17 reasons not to slit your wrists about the election in the US.

Enough from me. Toodles.

Sunday, February 6

vaLentink dEPression

I'm so damn sick of Franz frickin Ferdinand!

Random lyrics:
c'mon home
how i needed you
when i needed you
dark fantastic passion
devil who sell a line of
walk away
the sound of you walking away
get up and use me
g-g-g-g-g-get upppa
find me
and follow me


You were Camille.
I needed Laurent.

You were right about one thing though.

Mmm. Ear. Neck. Nape. Aargh. Bloody agony.

I'd have done it, you know? I probably still would.
It's that a disgusting thought? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disgust you.
I'll go away now.

I'll go look for another Camille. I'm not sure a Laurent would suit me
right now.

To All The Random People Who Come Across This SIte

Listen, I don't know why... but there are hundreds of voyeurs out
there, look at this site. I KNOW you're coming here because there's a
tracker on this damned page...

Anyhow, you're all welcome to browse my trash, but the main point is;

50. Fifty. Five-Zero. Goodness knows why I've been flooded by them,
but if all you random voyeurs happen to want one: Holler.

Honesty, I don't care who you are... just rid me of these, yeah? Please?

Thanking you in advance...

The crazy wacko who blurts random crap into the cyber world.


мой бог!

Moi dog

Mai gad

My god
