Saturday, October 23

there's no way I'm even going to suggest meeting up with him now...
I'd thought about it a million times, the draft email is sitting in
it's little Gmail folder, with

Drafts (1)

looming over me.
My RED hair is so ugly it makes me look like
Courtney Love, only with less lipstick. Okay, so maybe not her... but
some random doped up whore then...
It's *that* bad. My parents are making me lie to my grandparents about
why I did it - saying it was for a play.

My mother likes it though... but she bought the bloody thing in the first place.
My eyebrows now look black.... and my face is in one of those
beautiful "adolescent" stages... it all looks hideous and I really
can't stand it.

My self esteem was low but it's rock-bottom now. I know it won't last
long though... when the ink starts to fade and my face gets better
I'll be happier.


I am now a redhead.
And it doesn't actually look all that bad.
Ms Hughes will love it when we get back to school...!!!
Hooray for half term.

Wednesday, October 20

You know what I really cannot stand anymore?
Who needs them?

They clutter your mind, confuse you, serve to get hurt by, mess with a
certain thing called pride (both inflating and deflating it)...
They serve for your friends to ramble at length about them.
They serve for you to moan and complain about, and for you to blame
your brain blocks ons...

They serve to fill up webspace, and empty pages, and waste ink, and
ruin friendships...

They serve to shake up all your internal organs and to peck away at
your little grey cells.... they serve to nibble your toes when you
sleep and knaw at your cheeks.
They serve to annoy.

So this is it! I declare war on feelings.

Excuse me while I go plot world domination and sip passion fruit juice.

Sunday, October 17

Update #3

I can assure you that nothing in this world that you could EVER do, sounds better then when you have something else you really rather not do.

In this case, the thing I'd rather not even thing about, simply because the idea of it makes my back ache, and my fingers numb, and my head buzz, and [continue description of symptoms...]... is my History Essay.

Oh yes, I know you're going to call me lazy but come on now! I know there are a few delicious delightful geeks out there who really get a kick out of History (don't lie, you know it), but I'm really not one of them. I'm geeky in other ways.

Today's History essay is about Alexander II....

Whoopdy do.

Okay, I also know there are species of Saints (that go by the scientific name of Jameius Fletcherius) who not only manage to do all their work, they're also highly active in about a million extra-curricular
activities, and maintain a pretty active social life.
I mean, how they do it, I haven't a clue. I know they must be

  • focused
  • organized
  • responsible...

But Jesus! ("God In Heaven, Holy Mother!") If all the tasks weren't so boring, and half the time, so friggin useless...!!!

Tell me please. Save my life and make me a better student.
How is it possible, to sit infront of Amor de Perdicao (no accents, sorry) and analyse the registos de lingua? What is a registo de lingua?

No, don't tell me, I'm sure I know... but it's just. so. brain. stopping.

I sit down.... ready to go!!! Whooop!! Enthusiasm isn't my middle name, oh no.... it's my FIRST Right! So.... there I am! I sit down aaaaaaaand......



No, no... I tell myself, but on your beloved music and everything will
be fiiiine.
*puts on music*


What kind of person have I become? Dear ol' sweet me.... everyone
thinks I get top grades, pah!!! I'm a thirty point student. Shocked?
Don't be.
And this term's grades are going to be SHOCKING! cause I've done
nothing of worth. Nothing.

Hmpf. I'm going to storm off now and stare at my Portuguese work...
maybe I can scare it away.

Here's a photo.

Man meets Nature:

by Moi
Taken in Coimbra, 2004

Okay, so before I dive in head first in the 4 main tasks of the day,
I'm taking a little time out.

First off, I'm going to satiate my curiosity and see if HTML is read
by blogspot if I email it in. Yes, most of my posts are emailed in.

So; let's test it!

This is bold
This is large font

And this is Purple

If this doesn't work, then that sucks.
It could be Gmail's fault though, because it doesn't take HTML email.
I mean, it recieves them but won't send. *curses*

If HTML does work, this should be a heart: ♥

I'm going to stop now before this post becomes nothing but idiotic code.

Secondly; I'm just going to add to yesterday's post that TODAY is the
day I've completed my FF collection. Yes, the version of Darts of
Pleasure, called Words So Lesiured is FINALLY in my posession. Slow,
sexy, scottish.
The lyrics are different too, and it's just.... *squee* If I said
Orgasmic, would you look at me funny? It's so smooth and... perfect.

"She's the devil that sells a line of dark fantastic passion"


I hope this is more interesting that tales of my jour. ;)

Music Is Taking Over My Life

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I've come to make a sad announcment tonight. Music is officially
taking over my life.

I have at this moment, every Franz Ferdinand song ever recorded, on
the hard drive of this laptop. Aside from that, I have 15 songs by The
Karelia, and 2 by The Blisters - two of FF's front man Alex Kapranos'
old band.

These songs are the product of one weeks net searching and people
contacting. It's been hard, but I've done it.

I discovered today that I may have exceeded my traffic limit for the
month, so I shan't be downloading anymore songs until November. This
makes me want to cry, but I think my current music rations will last.

I was going to buy Papa Roach's new album "Getting Away With Murder"
but thought that perhaps I shouldn't. I want to exhaust my FF files
first before moving on.

I have, in total, something like 3GB of music. That's 3 Gmail
accounts. That's a hell of a lot. And it's not all the same band or
the same type of music... it's live tracks, rare tracks, non-album
tracks, tracks on CDs I'd never buy, tracks on CDs that aren't on
sale... it's remixes of tracks, merging of tracks, b-sides, studio
versions, live in timbuktu versions... anything.
It's rock, jazz, classic, techno, "indie", funk, pop, blues, sixties,
punk... anything I find myself attracted to.............

I have an almost **sexual** relationship with music. I want it inside
me, I want it to flow through my veins and feed me. I want it to rip
through my skin and flood me. I want it to pour in and out of me,
caress me and wrap itself around me. I want to jump to it, have it
lift me up. I want to sink into it...

And I like all of the songs I have. Because the stuff I don't like
goes "Shift-Delete" - no recycle bin for you.

And it's scary.

I can see how the music industry is being harmed when you download
tracks that ARE on sale, but to think of all the money they're not
earning because people are dLing things at an impressive rate just
because they're not on sale!

Yes, it's illegal. Yes, I could be taken to court for it. But it's so useful.

I could have PAID for the Pixie's Bam Thwok. But I got a friend who'd
dLed it off iTunes to send it to me, which he gladly did.

What's the world coming to?