Friday, December 17

Day Sum Up:
- School
- Lunch
- Catarina's house to be spectator in smoke-up gathering
- Dissapearance of friend I was meant to be with
- Watching man get run over
- Going home
- Big Surprise
- Le End


Got on the bus a lot earlier than usual, slept all the way, listening to Franzy Ferdy. Twas fun.
Got to school dying to sleep so snuck into common room and passed out for half an hour. When I woke up there was a year 12 girl, Ricardo and eer... Gonçalo? I've forgotten his name.
I left because Ricardo and this girl had gone into the little corridor thing between the common room and the locker room and I think they were discussing feelings - not something I wanted to be around fo - so I went to my room.

All this was pretty boring, even taking care of my retarded year 8 group.

Had double physics which included minimal yet pleasing chit chat with a variety of people in my class... Começo a achar piada ao Penswick. I used to think he was standoffish, but now I've 'warmed' (dear lord) to him.

Passing Comment
Christmas season has brought me closer to religion. Having read a book that knocks the Bible right off it's axis I find myself using expressions such as "Good God", "Dear Lord" and "God Almighty".

Today I saw someone get run over and I called 112
Just to keep you interested.

After that I don't remember much of school.
I recall talking to Doug... thinking he was going to the play with me... but I've decided - I'll pay for his damn ticket. Maybe. I'll see. Either way, I'd like to be with him. James (un)politley declined the invitation to join us.
Spastic Ms. Hughes - Fleeting comment.

After making myself look very pathetic when talking to James I seem to have yelled a fleeting goodbye to everyone I didn't really want to be with, and went off with who I thought I did want to be with. God no.

Actually, there was a moment in which I was on the verge of tears... but damnit - so people are so not worth it!

Had l lunch in Jamaica with Yana, Ines and Katie........ and some girl named Catarina, Ines' "brother" Patrick/Greg and the infamous Alex. The latter 3 from year 11, I believe.
I have a certain unpleasent past with Alex, namely that he used to tease me 8 years ago... the fact we remembered each others names after all that time was slightly odd - to say the least. Today made me think that perhaps if he weren't such a brickhead, he might actually be good looking. But then I woke up.
Year 11 is not my favourite year group... infact, I only actually like year 10 (of the non-IBs).

After that we all went to Catarina's house, near by, for them to smoke up and for me to really just watch and then nick their food. Twas not really what I had in mind, and being rather clean I didn't have that much fun.

And Pufff---- into a cloud of smoke
If I wasn't having fun then that non-fun-ness was shattered even more throughout the day. Mei had to suddenly leave.... messing my mind up esp. when I tried to call her and her mother picked up. For some reason she'd diverted the calls home. Her mother was in a bit of a panic too because Daniella (unbeknownst to me) had also called in search of the Atomic Girl.

Finding myself Mei-less and in company that, apart from Yana, I didn't actually know, I went home. I attempted to go to Belem to meet up with Izzy and Co. - having called Geert who told me his group was off to Cascais, Syd (and Penswick) avec Bernie (and respective boyfriend) were off to the movies, and Izzy (avec brother and friend) went to Expo.
Not wanting to infiltrate the all male Cascais group, the double dating, and the smaller gathering... I got off in Alges and waited for the bus.

Natures' Unruly Pancakes
WAITING for the bus --- only a meter in front of me a man was run over.
Having mobile in hand and watching everyone rush in aid of this overthrown kid - I called 112 and asked for an ambulence. Scary stuff. The paramedicos told me over the phone to tell everyone to not touch the man... but! Everyone did. Had his spine been broken or something they'd have killed him. I don't even know if he survived.

Chronic Side-dishy-ness
It felt, I dare say, good not to go to Izzy's thing... I'd have felt rather like a 'sidedish' amongst that crowd which I can hardly relate to. Then again, I felt like a sidedish where I was too... not giving into peer pressure, and not feeling like sharing Katie's Herpes thank-you-very-much... I also felt a sidedish at Melz' birthday and at Iris'... so yay. I'm officially a sidedish.

Went home and then left to go meet my mother aaaaaand - cut my hair.
Holy...! It is short. Short. Short but so so cute! Eeek! Yes, that is the so called big surprise. And my day. Au Revoir.

Tuesday, December 14

She called me an intelectual flirt. I was flattered and surprised. And it pleased me. Beyond that.
Quite frankly, if she knew what physical forms my intelectual flirtation could take, she'd be the one quite shocked, not me. Not me.


Were intelectual intercourse were possible

I'd want his mind.