Saturday, October 30

Today I bring you two photos...

Last night, while wondering aimlessly from Cais do Sodre to Campo Grande avec Flou, I bought the Cais magazine to help the homeless because I'm wonderful. The thing came wrapped in plastic, and later in the night, during a moment of boredom, I decided to rip it up and twist it and .... suddenly I look at it and whoa Nelly!! It's a DONKEY!
And it was.

And ain't it the cutest thing?
The red thing is one of my sofas.

I thought I'd take this time to show you the colour of my new hair:

And this is it for today. Have fun ;)

Friday, October 29

Cold Adventures in the Land of The Freezer

I have 2 Gmail invites left, If anyone wants them.

I've just done something that not many of you will have that the
pleasure(?) of doing.
We have three little bottles of sauce in our fridge. It's funky
African spicy stuff...
We also have a fridge we rarely defreeze...

and there's a huge brick of ice growing at the back....
and it's growing at a very fast rate.
So I've just spent about 20 minutes chizzeling out 3 bottles of spicy
african sauce from inside a brick of ice that has been growing in our

I took a knife - and I was literally HACKING at the bloody thing.

At this point you may have in your mind the picture of a 17 year old
girl in an outfit that wouldn't look out of place in an Indiana Jones
flick, with a huge knife, dodging bottles of other condiments while
trying to rescue "Red Chilli" and "Piri Piri" from a fate worse than

*camera cut*

"NOOoooooo Stay away from the Mayo!! Talk to me, 'Sweet and Hot'! You
know I love you!"

Well, it was a thrilling rescue... and now at the back of my fridge
are three small bottle shaped cut outs in the ice.

Today the spices! Tomorrow, the Martini! (and the cheese, but I've
half a mind to leave it in there... cottage chesse can be such a

I've found a statement that explains my over enthusiasm for music:

"the latest band to be born too quicky inside the popular music vacuum"

It's from the Pitchfork Media's review of The Killers
Hot Fuss but it applies to many different bands.
That was quite a good phrase to sum it up really........ "Popular
Music Vacuum".

Thursday, October 28

Thins No One Will Ever Notice

To notice the interesting thing I'm going to tell you, you must do these three thing:

- Know this site exists and actually come here to read this post.
- Have heard the song "My Prerogative", at least the Britney Spears version.
- Watch Seinfield.

If you've done all these three things, then you'll have noticed that there's a part of the Seinfield song that sounds JUST like "My Prerogative".
And that is SCARY.
Anyone in the world EVER notice that besides me?

Tuesday, October 26

Dinner for One?

Few things in life manage to be as depressing as having a meal alone.
When you eat alone - you cook for one. You sit down at an empty table,
and you drink alone.
All the while you sit there - it is impossible to miss the silence. It
sits across from you and stares you in the face. The more you try to
ignore it, the more obvious it becomes. You try to drown it out by
chewing, drinking... playing music....
but the fact that you are the only person in the room shouts louder
than whatever is blaring out of your speakers.

If you're in a restaurant, it's worse. The poor oblivious waiters
don't care, but if you're sitting at a table for one.... ordering
lunch or dinner for one... paying for a meal for one, splitting the
bill only with yourself...

It's not that hard to be happy when you're alone, I mean, one can
always find something with which to be entertained... but this is
usually short lived.

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here... but I'm sure you can take
something from this.
I'm off to finish my lunch now. Alone.

So that you can read individual bits, and skip over what sounds dull
(don't say all) and erm... yes - this is just to say I'm
gonna use Sub-headings =D

The Fall

Bang. Crash. Boom.


That was me falling down the stairs. Virtual stairs.
I live in a crummy flat.
Those were the steps inside my brain, I was on tip toes trying to
reach the top shelf of my memory and I slipped and fell backwards.
Besides the shooting pain up my spine, I should be alright.


It is 10:19 at the moment.
I woke up at NINE my friends.... I woke up at nine because I'm waiting
for the people to come
deliver my groceries. They were meant to be here 20 minutes ago, but
apparently, until 14:00 it's okay to wait.
After then is a problem because they stop delivering and quite
frankly, I'd like to have my E100 worth of shopping HERE rather than
in some random warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

(I'll tell you about that when it actually happens)

Work is never over

I could bare this kind of waiting if I didn't have an essay to write
TODAY! for History.
Oh yes people - who said Half Term was for resting? (teachers...
bloody hypocrites) Yeah, I have to be able to purge my mind of all
irrelevant thoughts and really dig in to the beauty of
Alexander II.
Feel the sarcasm oozing out?

Lonely Nights?

I'm also plan-less for tonight. I've spent the past 4 days trying to
meet up with Doug but fate just doesn't want it to happen.
This is probably a good thing given the FLOURESCENT nature of my hair.

Technology Loves Me

Last night I also managed to KILL my camera
last night! w00p!

Okay - okay........

Big story.
(not quite)

  • I put my batteries charging.
  • The light went green.
  • Put the batteries in my camera
  • Hooked it onto the PC
  • It began to fizzzzzz -



    The Camera began emitting the sound: fsssssssssssssssssssssss.

  • and then........ the screen went CAPUT.

    Do you know the meaning of the word Static?

Besides that; I thought I should mention the fact that everytime my
phone is hooked up to my laptop/PC --- they both crash.

I Hate People Who Write Subtitles

First of all, the word Subtitle is a mystery in itself but besides that---

I mean - with all due respect to the people who take on that
honourable profession, but really - do you have to be a Certified
Moron to get the job?

I was watching Conan O'Brien - something I rarely watch, but it
was on, so what the hell, eh?
Anyhow - he was talking about a movie called "Raising Helen" and about
the song they play in it....

DEVO's -- Whip It

And the subtitle saaaaaaaaaid: Divo.

Okay, Okay: I'm anal. I'm picky. I'm pathetic.

But "DIVO"?
Oh. Please.

Well, check them out: Here

But now seriously forks --- the 3 most amazing translating
"mistakes" I've seen so far:


Fighter jet is going down, pilot screams MAYDAY MAYDAY

Translation: Viva o Um de Maio! Viva o Um de Maio!

In English for you non-Portuguese speaking people:
Hooray for May the 1st! Hooray for May the 1st!

Should be: SOCCORO!


Man says Bitch!

Translation: Criatura danada e preversa!

In English for you non-Portuguese speaking people:
Evil and Damned creature!

Should be: Um... good question actually. I
suppose any mild insult would do. Something like "sacana" might work,
but I'm not sure if that's only for males. But stil!!!! Evil and
damned creature?!


this one's out of Harry Potter, the book.

Hagrid says Yer not still on about that, are ya?

Translation: O que? Ainda não sabiam disto, voces?

(sorry, I can't use accents on this pc.... pretend they're there)

In English for you non-Portuguese speaking people:
What? Didn't know about this yet, you?

Should be: O que, ainda continuam com essa historia?
Or something of the sort.

I think this is quite enough for now.
I'll rant about something else later.

Dear Yana - If you're online, please explain:

Ah yes... Almost forgot:
-Prostate Cancer Association.

Thanking you!

(I love your comments!! Post more often. Don't leave the so-called
blog to die***)

Monday, October 25

English Class:

Full Picture: here

"The Pest" and the Heart tribal thing were made by Nick. I did the rest.

History, mostly:

Full Picture: here

the only two photos on my birthday to come out okay:

Full Picture: here

and finally, my lamp:

Full Picture: here

Sunday, October 24

Summer Rant

this was full of colour and links but it messed up so bah.

Hello there,

I come to you today from the top of my bed again.Yep, from my purple and green duvet that bears the wordsAgatha Ruiz de la Prada.

As you may have noticed, I'm going loca with the colours here, basically because it's raining outside and I feel soAutumn-y

I accept that the colours don't match, I'm picking them by sight off a Hex Colour
Chart. What this means of course is that, I'm sitting faceing myCompose Mailscreen, typing away in a way that involved my writting out the HTML code every other freaking line

< r = " n a m e "> TEXT < / f o n t >

Which is okay because some blessed soul invented Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.The most annoying thing about code is that it's bloody American, and so the word "colour" must be written without the u; to give:


Isn't that evil? Tell me how evil that is.
It's like the word Neighbour. It just looks
b.a.d. without the u. But no, Americans are too good to use English
spelling. They have to come up with a bunch of little differences just
to piss us international students off.

One of the most annyoing differences is
the evil Z vs. S conspiracy.

I mean; who writes Organise instead of
It just looks awful.

I'm just gonna stick to one colour now
before I drive us all crazy--- this time, my favourite: Orange.
Even though they call it "Chocolate1".

I like Autumn. It's my favourite season.

Summer is too hot, Winter is too cold, Spring is alright, but it
doesn't have the same cozy/warm feel that Autumn brings. The autumn
colours and clothing just makes it the best season for me.

Okay; so my friends think I'm crazy.
I live in a country that gets 40º Summers, where "Going to the
Beach" is a RELIGION in which the sun is a divinity and the
sea purges you of sins.
It's more than an option for a summer holiday... it's a way of life.

If you don't go to the beach you're seen as a freak and people assume
something's wrong with your head.

No, I don't particularly love the beach.... It's the sand I really don't like.

If it's night time, then the beach is fine... or if it's a nice AUTUMN
day and one can just stroll down lightly and walk across the shore...

Anyhow, I have no time for this. Damnit.