Sunday, February 27

Dreaming someone else's dream.

Hm... I dreamt of Dogs last night. Two small dogs, like bulldogs but
about the size of my hand. They were in my living room and just about
to pee against my couch. Thankfully there were two plastic bags in
arm's reach and... well... I'm not sure. It was a dream. I think I
stopped them.
I dreamt of a house. A damn fine house. Something was wrong with it
though... it was a beach house and there was a boat pulling up. There
were people around it who were drowning. I jump in! I'm drowning too..
I ask for the vicadin lifebuoy. Vicadin? No matter... It's round my
neck and I'm holding on. Then I get these instructions - almost like
from memory. That if my name was something or another, I'd drown if I
didn't do X. However, if my name was something else or another, I
would drown if i did do X.
I dreamt of lithographs and how to make them...

I don't know where th dream of the dogs came from... I think the
drowning came from hearing of the Saint Maries La Mer tradition, and
the thing about the names... was because of St. Germain.
It's the second night running I have the lithographs dream... and I
wake up just before the climax of the "story".


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